
Capelin – Mallotus villosus



Capelin are small salmonids and pelagic shoaling fish which are dark on the back and light on the underside. It is widespread in polar regions in the Northern Hemisphere. The most important stocks are in the Barents Sea, off Iceland and Newfoundland and in the Bering Sea. The stock in the Barents Sea constitutes the largest.

In spring, capelin acquire characteristic spawning colours. The male fish then acquires a line of hairy scales along the side of the body and a greatly enlarged and black-coloured anal fin. The male is called a “faks-lodde” in Norwegian, and the female, which lacks this strip, is called a “sil-lodde”. Capelin live the entire three to five years of their life in shoals in the Barents Sea. They mature and feed between Svalbard and Novaya Zemlya, spawn along the coast of the Kola Peninsula, Finnmark and Nord-Troms and usually die immediately afterwards. This also explains the great variations in the capelin stock. The spawning takes place at the bottom, at a depth of between 20 and 60 m, and the eggs attach themselves to the bottom and lie there until they hatch after a month. The larvae will come up into the upper water column and drift with the current away from the coast and up towards the Barents Sea. Copelin grow quickly and in the course of 3-4 years they have grown to 14-18 cm. They have a very short life and are seldom more than five years old. Capelin are a key organism in the ecosystem, and capelin are an important food for predators including cod and herring.

Mackerel – Scomber scombrus



The mackerel has a characteristic appearance with its black “tiger” stripes along the back and its round, streamlined body. On the back it has a blue-green colour, while the underside is shiny. The body scales are small, and the body is soft to touch. Mackerel are fast-swimming shoaling fish which can migrate over large areas of the sea. It is also pelagic, which means that they live in open water which is neither near the bottom nor the water surface. The mackerel lacks a swim bladder and must therefore constantly move in order not to sink. Movement. growth and development o f reproductive organs mean that it needs a lot of food. The mackerel is a typical which swims with its mouth open and sifts plankton through its gills. I t also eats fish larvae and small fish. A mackerel can be up to 65 cm long and 3.5 kg in weight. It can be up to 25 years old.

The mackerel has three spawning areas: the North Sea, south and west of Ireland and off Portugal and Spain. The mackerel spawns at the surface, and when the eggs hatch, the larvae are 3.5mm in length. They grow to 20 cm the same autumn.

When the mackerel has spawned, it migrates to the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea to feed. The distribution of mackerel in the summer is greater now than before. Mackerel are found west to Greenland, all the way north in the Barents Sea to Svalbard, and into the strait of Skagerrak in the summer. I t stays here up until i t migrates back t o the spawning areas from the end of December to February.

Horse mackerel – Trachurus trachurus



The horse mackerel is characterized by the plate-shaped scales along the lateral line. It has barbs and an obvious dark spot on the back edge of the gill cover. The horse mackerel is a thermophilic, pelagic shoaling fish which stays between depths of 0 to 100 m. In the winter, the horse mackerel lives on bottom-dwelling animals, and in the summer it eats plankton, fry, herring, small sprats and octopus.

In the North-east Atlantic, the horse mackerel is widespread from Africa to the North Sea. In the European fishing areas, there are three stocks of horse mackerel which have been named after their spawning areas: the western stock, the southern stock and the North Sea stock. The southern stock spawns off Spain and Portugal, the western spawns west of Ireland and Great Britain, and the North sea stock spawns in the southern North Sea. When the horse mackerel has spawned, it wanders into the Norwegian Sea and the North sea to find food.

Herring – Clupea harengus




The herring has a silver-coloured, streamlined body. It is a pelagic fish, which means that it swims in open waters. In the case of the herring, it means that it swims in shoals, both along the coast and out at sea. There are several herring stocks in Norwegian waters, and the Norwegian spring-spawning herring and the North Sea herring are the most important. Norwegian spring-spawning herring, together with Icelandic spring-spawning herring and Icelandic summer-spawning herring, are a part of the Atlanto-Scandian herring population, which during the course of its life feeds in the Barents Sea and the Norwegian Sea.

Norwegian spring-spawning herring spawn in February-March. Their most important spawning area is of f Møre, but they also spawn along the coast of Nordland and Vesterålen. The herring lay their eggs on the bottom, and after three weeks they hatch. The newly hatched larvae drift northwards with the current along the coast before they drift into the Barents Sea early in the summer. In the Barents Sea, the herring grow until they become 3-4 years old, and then they swim westwards and mix with the spawning stock. When the herring have spawned, they leave for summer feeding grounds in the Norwegian Sea to eat zooplankton. In September/October, the herring gather off Trams and Finnmark and overwinter there. Then they migrate southwards again in January to spawn. Herring can be up to 25 years old.

Redfish – Sebastes marinus, Sebastes mentella

アカウオは強い赤色と体にある大きな鱗で見分けることができる。ノルウェー海域には、ゴールデンレッドフィッシュ(Sebastes norvegicus)、ディープウォーターレッドフィッシュ(Sebastes mentella)、ノルウェーレッドフィッシュ(Sebastes viviparus)の3種のアカウオがいるが、流通しているのは最初の2種のみ。ディープウォーターレッドフィッシュは色が薄く、目が大きいので、ゴールデンレッドフィッシュと見分けが付く。水深100~500mに生息しているが、900mまで潜ることもあり、大陸棚、沿岸、外洋に生息している。3種のアカウオは生息域が異なるが、互いに重なり合っている。

ゴールデンレッドフィッシュは4月から5月にかけて体長4-6mmの生きた稚魚を産む。交尾自体は秋に行われ、春になるとメスはオス魚なしで産卵場所を群れで泳ぐことが多い。アカウオは成長が遅く、性的に成熟するのも遅い。11〜12歳、体長30〜35cmのアカメは、その半分しか性的に成熟していない。ゴールデンレッドフィッシュはシェトランド諸島以北の大陸棚の切れ目とアンドーヤ(Andøya) までの大陸棚に沿って産卵し、ディープウォーターレッドフィッシュはイギリスゾーンからビュルネイ島までの大陸棚の切れ目に沿って産卵する。


Redfish can be recognised by the strong red colour and the large scales they have on the body. In Norwegian waters, we have three different redfish species: golden redfish (Sebastes norvegicus), deepwater redfish (Sebastes mentella) and Norway redfish (Sebastes viviparus), but only the first two species are sold. The deepwater redfish can be distinguished from the golden redfish by its lighter red colour and larger eyes. The redfish lives at depths from 100 to 500m but can also be found all the way down to 900 m. it lives on the continental shelf, along the coast and in open waters. The three redfish species have different ranges but overlap each other.

The golden redfish gives birth to live fry which are 4-6mm long in April-May. The mating itself takes place in autumn, and the female fish often swim in shoals in the spawning area in spring without the male fish. Redfish grow slowly and become sexually mature late. When the redfish are 11-12 years old and 30-35cm in length,only half of them are sexually mature. The golden redfish spawns along the continental shelf break and the continental shelf from the Shetland Islands and northwards to Andøya, while the deepwater redfish spawns along the continental shelf break from the British zone to Bear Island.

In its first years of life, the redfish eats zooplankton, before it eventually switches to eating krill, capelin, herring and codfish. The deepwater redfish can be up to 70 years old, while the golden redfish can be up to 60 years old.

Greenland Halibut – Reinhardtius hippoglossoides

カラスガレイは北極圏のヒラメの仲間で、4℃ 以上の水域ではめったに見られない。大西洋オヒョウに似ていて、両側が濃い茶色か青色をしている。盲目側は色素沈着しており、目側よりわずかに明るい程度である。このことから、大西洋オヒョウよりも外洋に生息していると思われる。大西洋オヒョウと同様に、カラスガレイも眼球移動が行われる。卵が孵化したときは普通の形をしているが、次第に左側を底に向け、右側を上にして横たわるようになる。そして、少しずつ左目が右側に移動していき、最終的には平らな体型になる。


北東北極カラスガレイは冬に産卵し、産卵場所はベステローデン諸島とスピッツベルゲン島の間である。 卵と仔魚は産卵場所によって潮流にのって漂う。幼魚は8〜10ヶ月の長い遠洋期を経て、夏から秋の終わ りにかけて底に定着する。カラスガレイは最初の3〜4年間を底に定着した場所かその付近で過ごし、一般 に比較的浅い水深(水深100〜300m)に生息する。やがて大きくなると、大陸棚の切れ目に沿ってより深 いところへ移動する。

Greenland halibut is an Arctic flatfish which is seldom found in water warmer than 4°C. It resembles Atlantic halibut and has a dark brown or blue colour on both sides. The blind side is pigmented and only slightly lighter than the eye side. This may indicate that it lives more in open waters than Atlantic halibut. Like the Atlantic halibut. the Greenland halibut undergoes an eye migration. When the eggs hatch, the larvae have a normal shape, but gradually they lie on the bottom with their left side turned towards the bottom and their right side up. Little by little the left eye “migrates” over to the right side and finally gives the halibut a flat body shape.

The Greenland halibut is found at depths of 100-2000 m. The female is larger, up to 1.2 m, while the male is seldom larger than 65-70cm. It can be more than 30 years old. The adult stock is mostly found along the continental shelf break from 62°N to north-east of Spitsbergen. The Greenland halibut is widespread in the northern Pacific Ocean and the northern Atlantic Ocean and is divided into three stocks: the North West stock along Canada and West Greenland, the West Nordic stock along East Greenland, Iceland and the Faroe Islands, and the North East Arctic stock in the Barents Sea.

North East Arctic Greenland halibut pawn in the winter, and the spawning areas lie between the Vesteralen Islands and Spitsbergen. The eggs and the larvae drift with the current depending on where the spawning has occurred. The larvae have a long pelagic phase of 8-10 months before they settle on the bottom at the end of summer/autumn. The Greenland halibut spends its first 3-4 years in or near the area where it settles on the bottom, generally in relatively shallow water (100-300 m deep). When it eventually becomes larger, it will migrate out to greater depths along the continental shelf break.

Northern prawns – Pandalus borealis

水深100〜700mに生息しているが、それより浅いところ(20mまで)にも深いところ(900mまで)にも生息し、1〜6℃ の水温を好む。エビの種類は生息地によって分類されている。ノルウェーでは、フィヨルド、沿岸部、北海/スカゲラーク、バレンツ海に生息している。北海ではノルウェー海溝に生息する資源が漁獲の対象となる。また、北大西洋の両側、アイスランド、ヤンマイエン島、グリーンランド周辺、カナダの東海岸にもエビが生息している。



Prawns are usually found at a depth between 100 and 700 m but are found both shallower (up to 20m) and deeper (down to 900 m), and they prefer temperatures between 1-6°C. The prawn stock is classified according to where it lives. In Norway, prawns are found in fjords, coastal areas, in the North Sea/Skagerrak and in the Barents Sea. In the North Sea, the fishery involves the stock that is found in the Norwegian Trench. Prawns are also found on both sides of the North Atlantic, around Iceland, Jan Mayen and Greenland and along the east coast of Canada.

During the day, the prawn lies on the bottom to rest or feed. At night. it rises in the water column to eat zooplankton. The prawn mostly moves up and down in the water column, but the female can move to shallower water around hatching time.

Northern prawns are hermaphrodites. In other words, they are born as males and change sex. Sex change varies with the various maturation areas. In the North Sea and the strait of Skagerrak. prawns change sex when they are between 1.5-2.5 years old, while in the Barents Sea it happens when they are between 4-7 years old. For prawns in fjords and coastal areas, the sex change occurs at ages 2-6. Sex change increases the further north they live. Prawns can be 15-16cm and up to 10 years old.

Prawns mate in autumn, and the female prawn carries the spawn under the hind part of its body through the winter. The eggs hatch in the spring. The newly hatched larvae feed on small plankton in the uppermost water layers before they migrate towards the bottom after 2-3 months.

Snow crab – Chionoecetes opilio

このカニは気温に非常に敏感で、3℃ 以下の水温を好んで生息している。そのため、水深分布は季節に左右される。甲羅には茶褐色の丸い模様がある。脚は4対あり、1対には爪がある。オスはメスよりかなり大きくなり(甲羅の大きさ16.5cm)、甲羅の大きさは10cmになる。



ズワイガニは大西洋の北西部、北太平洋の広い範囲とバレンツ海に生息している。ノルウェーでは新種で ある。ノルウェーでは記録数、個体数ともに増えているが、当面はロシアに多く生息している。遺伝学的研 究によれば、このカニはカナダ東部沿岸のズワイガニと近縁であることが判明している。バレンツ海から ベーリング海峡にかけての海域で発見されたことから、このカニは東部から移動してきたと考えられる。

The crab is extremely sensitive to temperatures and prefers to live in water temperatures below 3°C. This results in the depth distribution being dependent on the season. It has a round. brownish red pattern on its shell. The crab has four pairs of legs and one pair with claws. The male crab grows to become considerably larger (up to 16.5cm in shell size) than the female crab (up to 10cm in shell size).

The small crabs live for the most part in shallow areas, while the larger crabs stay in deeper areas. Snow crabs live on various bottom types such as clay, sand and hard bottoms. The crabs mate late in the winter or early in the spring, and the females carry external roe (roe which lies outside the body, like on a prawn) up until hatching, right before the next mating. In the first three months, the larvae live in pelagic waters, before they eventually settle on the bottom. The temperature conditions determine whether the females spawn each year or every other year.

It takes eight to nine years before the crab has grown to commercial size. Crabs grow slowly by moulting. The small crabs moult once a year, while the large crabs moult every other year. When the crab has moulted for the last time, growth stops and the crab has then become sexually mature. Snow crabs live about 15 years.

Snow crabs are common in the north western Atlantic Ocean, in a large area in the North Pacific and in the Barents Sea. It is a new species in Norwegian areas. Even though both the number of records and the number of snow crabs in total are increasing in the Norwegian zone. most of the stock is found for the time being in the Russian zone. Genetic studies show that the crabs are related to snow crabs along the eastern coast of Canada. Instances of snow crabs being found in the stretch between the Barents Sea and the Bering Strait provide a basis for supposing that the crab has immigrated from the east.

Saithe – Pollachius virens




The saithe is a species in the cod family. It has a powerful and muscular body, is a good swimmer and is easy to recognise by the weakly protruding jaw and the straight lateral line along the body. The abdomen and sides are silver grey, while the back has a darker colour. Saithe occur as both pelagic and bottom fish,from the sea surface to a depth of 300 m. They often swim in shoals and hunt herring and other prey. The saithe i s also a wonderer that goes on feeding and spawning migrations.

Saithe are only found in the North Atlantic. In the western portion, there is only a small population between Canada and the United States. Saithe in the north-eastern portion are divided into six stocks with main areas west of Ireland, west of Scotland, along the Faroe Islands, along Iceland, in the North Sea and on the Norwegian coast north of 62°N. In Norwegian waters, the stock is divided in two: North East Arctic saithe and saithe in the North Sea/Skagerrak.

The North East Arctic saithe becomes sexually mature when it is 5-6 years old and spawns in the winter along the Norwegian coast, from the Lofoten Islands to the North Sea. The spawning period is in February, and eggs and fry are carried northwards with the current. The fry establish themselves in the beach zone along the coast and migrate out to the coastal banks as 2-4 year olds. The saithe con be up to 30 years old.

Monkfish – Lophius piscatorius

アンコウは、アンコウ科の硬骨魚類である。体長の半分近くある大きな頭と、鋭い歯を持つ大きな口が 特徴。そのため、恐ろしくて食べられないと信じられていたのだろう。体は扁平で、大きな胸ビレを持つ。 体色は濃い灰色、褐色、淡色で、黒っぽい斑点があるが、これは底に横たわるときのカモフラージュに使 われる。

典型的な底魚である。底生魚の代表格で、底に半身を沈めて獲物を待つ。餌をおびき寄せるために、先 頭の背びれ棘を扇状に広げている。背びれ棘は、釣り竿のように吊り針を餌にするような働きをする。大 きな口に近づいた魚はすべて、顎を開いて吸い込まれるように飲み込まれる。前浜から水深1000mまで生 息し、産卵期には水深1800mまで深く潜っていく。

繁殖地はイギリス西部の大陸斜面、ノルウェーのフィヨルド、棚の深い部分である。アンコウは25歳以 上、体長12m、体重100kgになることもある。この種はバレンツ海から西アフリカ北部、地中海、黒海ま で生息しています。ノルウェーでは、ノルウェー沿岸一帯に生息している。大西洋北東部では、2種のアン コウがいる。Lophius piscotorius(ニシアンコウ)とLophius budegassaです。Lophius piscotoriusが最も広く 分布しており、Laphius budegossa は1000匹に1匹程度しかいない。

ちなみに、インスリンはアンコウの膵臓から初めて製造されたので、世界中の糖尿病患者はアンコウに感 謝しなければならない。

The monkfish is a bony fish species in the monkfish family. It has a large, broad head which constitutes nearly half of the length of the body and a large mouth with sharp teeth. This gives it a frightening appearance which probably was the origin for the belief that it was inedible. The body is flat and has large pectoral fins. It has a dark grey/brown/light colour with darker spots, which are used as camouflage when it lies on the bottom.

The monkfish is a typical bottom fish. It lies half-buried in the sediment and waits for prey. The monkfish fans its leading dorsal fin spine to lure the prey to it. The dorsal fin spine functions almost like a fishing pole with a hangnail as bait. All types of fish which come close enough to the large mouth are swallowed when the monkfish opens its jaws and sucks the prey in. The monkfish is found from the foreshore and down to a depth of 1000m. During the spawning season it goes deeper, all the way down to 1800m.

The breeding grounds are the continental slope west of Britain, Norwegian fjords and deeper parts of the shelf. The monkfish can be more than 25 years old, up to 12 m long and 100 kg in weight. The species ranges from the Barents S e a to northern parts of West Africa, the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. In Norway it ranges along the entire Norwegian coast. In the north-eastern Atlantic, we have two monkfish species: Lophius piscotorius (monkfish) and Lophius budegassa (black-bellied angler). Lophius piscotorius is the most widespread species and only about 1in 1000 individuals are Laphius budegossa.

As a curiosity, it can be mentioned that the world’s diabetics have a lot to thank the monkfish for, since insulin was first manufactured from the pancreas of the monkfish.

European sprat – Sprattus sprattus

スプラットは外洋に生息する遠洋性の浅海魚である。ニシンに似ているが、腹部の鱗が鋭い稜線を描いて いることで見分けることができる。背中が緑色で、他の部分は銀色をしている。水面から水深1000mまで 生息し、夜間の暗い時間帯には水面まで移動し、夏場の明るい時間帯には水面付近や水面で高い位置にとど まる。体長19.5cm、体重54gのスプラットは、5歳以上であることはほとんどない。ノルウェー海域では、 北海/スカゲラークとカテガットに広く分布するオーシャン・スプラットと、沿岸およびフィヨルド・スプ ラットの2つの資源がある。

ノルウェー海域で最も重要な産卵場所は、スカゲラーク沿岸の東部とオスロ・フィヨルドだが、他のフィ ヨルドでも産卵が行われる。スプラットの産卵期は2月から7月である。そのため、2〜3ヶ月の間に数回 に分けて産卵する長い産卵期を持つ。表層付近の遠洋で産卵し、卵や幼生は海流に乗って成熟海域や餌場へ と運ばれる。スプラットは1〜2歳で性成熟し、急速に成長する。初秋のころには9〜10cmにもなる。動物 性プランクトンを餌とし、自身も他の魚類の重要な餌となる。

The sprat is a pelagic shoaling fish that lives in open waters. The sprat resembles a small herring but can be distinguished from herring by looking at the abdomen, where the scales form a sharp ridge. It has a greenish colour on the back. and the rest of the body is silver in colour. It lives on the surface and down to a depth of 1000 m. At night when it is dark, it migrates up to the surface. and in the summer when it is light out it stays high in the water. often near or at the surface. The sprat can be up to 19.5cm long and 54g in weight and it is seldom more than 5 years old. In Norwegian waters, there are two stocks: ocean sprat, which are widespread in the North Sea/Skagerrak and Kattegat and coastal and fjord sprat.

The most important spawning areas in Norwegian waters are the eastern part of the Skagerrak coast and in Oslo Fjord, but spawning also takes place in other fjords. The sprat spawns in the period February-July. It thus has a long spawning period in which it spawns in several rounds in a period of 2-3 months. The sprat spawns in pelagic waters near the surface. and the eggs and larvae are carried with the ocean current to the maturing and feeding areas. The sprat becomes sexually mature when it is 1-2 years old and it grows rapidly. In the course of its first autumn, it can be 9-10cm. The sprat feeds on zooplankton and is itself an important food source for other fish species.

Lumpfish – Cyclopterus lumpus

太く短い体には吸盤がある。色は水色から橙色、茶色までさまざまである。ノルウェー語でランプフィッ シュ”rognkjeks”と呼ばれるのは実はメスの魚で、オスは “rognkall “と呼ばれる。オスのランプフィッシュは 背中がブルーグレーで、腹部は明るい色をしています。産卵期には腹部が鮮やかな赤橙色になる。メスは背 中が灰褐色で、側面と腹部は明るい青灰色をしている。メスはオスより大きくなる。一生の大半は海中を自 由に泳ぐ。冬は水深の深いところで生活し、春になると産卵のために浅いところへ移動する。東大西洋全域、 北海、バルト海、バレンツ海に分布する。ノルウェーでは海岸一帯に生息してる。ランプフィッシュは7〜 8歳まで生きる。

卵は受精すると粘着性を帯び、海底の岩や石に付着する。メスのランプフィッシュは数匹が同じ産卵場所 に卵を産む。そこで卵はより大きな塊にくっつき、卵が孵化するまでの2ヶ月間、オスのランプフィッシュ に保護される。小さなランプフィッシュはケルプの森で成熟し、吸盤でケルプの葉に付着して身を隠そうと する。1歳になってゴルフボールより少し大きくなると、外洋に泳ぎ出します。そこで2〜4年間プランク トンを食べ、産卵のために再び沿岸に移動する。

近年では、サケの養殖でサケジラミを除去するために、養殖ランプフィッシュの稚魚が使用されるように なった。

The lumpfish hos a short. thick body with sucking discs under the body. The colour can vary from light blue to orange or brown. It is actually the female fish that is called a lumpfish “rognkjeks” in Norwegian, while the male is called a “rognkall”. The male lumpfish is blue grey on the back with a lighter abdomen. The abdomen turns bright red-orange during the spawning season. The female lumpfish is grey-brown on the back, while the sides and the abdomen have a lighter, blue-grey colour. The female becomes larger than the male. Lumpfish swim freely in the ocean for large parts of their lives. In the winter they live in deeper water, and in spring they migrate into shallower water to spawn. The species is found in the entire eastern Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Barents Sea. In Norway, we can find it along the entire coast. Lumpfish live to be 7-8 years old.

When the eggs are fertilised, they become sticky and attach themselves to rocks or stones on the bottom. Several female lumpfish deposit their eggs at the same spawning location. There the eggs attach themselves to a larger clump, which is protected by the male lumpfish for two months while the eggs hatch. The small lumpfish mature in the kelp forest and seek cover by attaching themselves with the sucking disc to kelp leaves. When they are one year old and slightly larger than a golf ball, they swim out into the open ocean. There they feed on plankton for 2-4 years before they migrate back to the coast to spawn.

In recent years fry from farmed lumpfish have been used to pluck salmon lice in salmon farming. they can be used all over Norway because they tolerate low temperatures well.

Norway lobster – Nephrops norvegicus

淡いオレンジ色でロブスターと同じ体型だが、ヨーロッパアカザエビが小さく、幅も狭い。脚は5対あ り、前方の3本には爪がある。先頭の1対が最も大きな爪を持っている。水深20〜800m、砂泥や粘土質の 柔らかい底に生息する。軟底の堆積物に20〜30cmの穴を掘って身を隠す。ヨーロッパアカザエビの学名 (Nephrops norvegicus)の由来にもなっている腎臓形の目は、光に対して非常に敏感である。そのため、 穴の中にいる時間が長く、穴から出るのは主に夜間か、昼間の光の少ない大深度である。夜間は餌を探し、 昼間は穴の中に隠れる。雑食性で、甲殻類、甲殻類、軟体動物、腐肉などを食べる。成体は縄張り意識が 強く、最大で15歳にもなる。

メスは夏に産卵し、8〜9ヶ月間1000〜5000個の卵を顎の下に抱く。この間、卵を抱えたメスはほとん ど穴から出られない。卵が孵化すると、幼生は60日間ほど海中を自由に漂い、その後、海底に移動する。

ヨーロッパアカザエビは地中海西部、モロッコからトロムスまでの北東大西洋、アイスランド、イギリ ス周辺に多く生息している。 リンデスネス以西のノルウェー・トラフとスカゲラークおよびカテガット海 峡のヨーロッパアカザエビは2つの別系統として扱われ ている。

The Norway lobster has a pale orange colour and the same body shape as a lobster, but the Norway lobster is smaller and narrower. The Norway lobster has five pairs of legs, and the three in the front have claws. The leading pair has the largest claws. The Norway lobster lives at depths of 20-800m, usually on soft bottoms of sandy mud or clay. It digs a hole into the sediment on the soft bottom of 20- 30cm to conceal itself. The kidney-shaped eyes, which have also given the Norway lobster its Latin name (Nephrops norvegicus), are extremely sensitive to light. Therefore it spends a great deal of time in the hole, and is out of the hole mostly at night or in the daytime at great depths where there is little light. At night it hunts food, while in the daytime it hides itself in the hole. The Norway lobster is omnivorous and eats crustaceans, chaetopods, molluscs and carrion. The adult Norway lobsters are territorial and can be up to 15years old.

The female spawns in the summer and bears the 1000-5000eggs under her chin for 8-9 months. The egg-bearing females rarely leave their holes during this period. When the eggs hatch, the larvae drift freely in the ocean for up to 60days before they migrate down to the bottom.

Norway lobster are common in the western Mediterranean sea, in the North East Atlantic from Morocco to Troms and around Iceland and Great Britain Norway lobster in the Norwegian Trough west of Lindesnes and in the Skagerrak and Kattegat straits are regarded as two separate stocks

Red king crab – Paralithodes camtchaticus

タラバガニの成体の盾長は23cm、体重は8〜9kgにもなる。水温1〜4℃ の冷水に生息し、水深5〜400mの 深海に生息している。雄は三角形の左右対称の腹部フラップがあるのに対し、雌の腹部フラップは広く左右 非対称で、下半身の大部分を覆っている。タラバガニは大きくなるために甲羅を脱ぐ必要があり、定期的に 脱皮をする。脱皮の回数と時間は年齢と性別によって異なる。タラバガニは20歳まで生きることができる。

タラバガニは交尾をするとき、深いところから浅いところへ移動する。春に交尾をし、交尾、産卵、孵化 が終わると、また深いところへ移動する。楯の長さが約11cmになると性成熟し、春に卵を孵化させるまで の1年間は、体の外側に産卵物を付けて移動する。卵が孵化すると、幼生は約45日間の浮遊期を経て、浅 瀬の底に沈む。産卵は、体長50mm程度になるまでそこにとどまる。2〜3年かけて成長し、やがて深海を 目指す。

タラバガニはバレンツ海における外来種である。ムルマンスクのコラフィヨルドで放流された後、徐々に バレンツ海南部全域に広がっていった。天然での生息範囲は、ベーリング海と北太平洋である。

The shield length of an adult king crab can be as much as 23cm, and the weight up to 8-9 kg. The crab is a cold water species which thrives in temperatures between 1 and 4°C. and it is found at depth from about 5 to 400 m. It has a red colour, three pair of legs and a pair of claws which are extended. The males are larger than the females, and the sex can be determined by examining the underside of the hind part of the body. The male crab has a triangular, symmetric abdominal flap, while the female crab’s abdominal flap is wide, asymmetric and covers most of the underside. The king crab has to shed its shell to become larger, and it moults regularly. The frequency and time for moulting depends on age and sex. The king crab can live up to age 20.

When the king crabs are going to mate, they migrate from deep to shallower areas. They mate in the spring, and after mating, spawning and hatching have been completed, they migrate back to deeper areas. The crabs become sexually mature when the shield length is about 11cm, and they travel with the spawn on the outside of the body the entire year before the eggs are hatched in the spring. When the eggs hatch, the larvae have a pelagic stage which lasts about 45 days before they settle on the bottom in shallow water. The spawn stay there until they have reached a shield length of approximately 50mm. It takes two to three years, and eventually as the crabs grow, they seek deeper water.

The king crab is an introduced species in the Barents Sea. It was put out by Russian researchers in the 1960s in order to establish a fishing resource. The crab was put out in the Kola Fjord at Murmansk and has gradually spread to all of the southern Barents Sea. Its natural range is the Bering Sea and the North Pacific.

Wolffish – Anarhichas lupus, Anarhichas minor

オオカミウオは、長い体、広く丸い頭、大きな口と強力な歯が特徴的な外見をしている。皮膚は丈夫で 厚い。その強力な歯で餌の殻を砕く。ノルウェー海域には3種類のオオカミウオが生息している。バレン ツ海はスポッテッドオオカミウオとノーザンオオカミウオの最も重要な生息地で、アトランティックオオ カミウオはノルウェー沿岸全域と北海に分布している。スポッテッドオオカミウオとノーザンオオカミウ オは産卵のために数百キロメートルを移動する。アトランティックオオカミウオはより定点観測的であり、 他の2種に比べ、海岸付近の浅い水域に生息している。ノーザンオオカミウオは生涯を通してより遠洋で 生活することで区別される。

また、10月から5月にかけて歯が生え替わるため、季節によって食性が異なる。アトランティックオオ カミウオは1年ごとに歯を交換する。沿岸やフィヨルドの水深50〜150mで産卵するが、他の2種は水深 400mまで産卵する。

卵は6mmと大きく、9〜10ヶ月で孵化する。雌は受精卵の塊を球状にして産卵する。幼生は海面に浮上 し、海流にのって運ばれる。ある程度の大きさになった幼魚は、海底に降りていく。

養殖場での生産が始まっている。まだ初期段階だが、養殖の成果は出ている。オオカミウオは高密度を 好む。飼いやすく、よく育ち、死亡率も低く、餌の比率も高い。これらはすべて、良い養殖の特徴である。

The wolffish has a characteristic appearance with its long body, wide, round head and a largemouth with powerful teeth. The skin is tough and thick. It uses its powerful teeth to crush the shell of its food. In Norwegian waters, we have three different wolffish species: Atlantic wolffish, spotted wolffish and northern wolffish The Barents Sea is the most important range for spotted wolffish and northern wolffish, while the Atlantic wolffish is distributed along the entire Norwegian coast and in the North Sea. The spotted wolffish and northern wolffish migrate several hundred kilometres to spawn. The Atlantic wolffish is more stationary. I t lives near the coast and in shallower water than the other two species. The northern wolffish distinguishes itself by having a more pelagic lifestyle throughout its entire life.

The wolffish varies its diet from season to season because it replaces teeth in the period between October and May. The Atlantic wolffish replaces its teeth every year. It spawns in coastal areas and fjords at a depth of 50-150 m, while the other two species spawn at a depth of up to 400 m.

The eggs of the wolffish are large (6 mm) and hatch after 9-10 months. The female fish spawns a mass of fertilised eggs which form into a ball. The larvae float up towards the surface and are carried on with the ocean currents. When the larvae have reached a certain size, they find their way down to the bottom.

Spotted wolffish are being produced in farms. It is still at an early stage, but so far farming of spotted wolffish has yielded good results. The wolffish prefers high density. It is tame, grows well, has low mortality and a food feeding ratio. These are all good farming characteristics.

Blue mussel – Mytilus edulis

ムラサキイガイはその名の通り、青い貝。殻の外側は青色から暗褐色に変化し、殻の内側は水色である。 殻は2枚あり、内転筋の働きで開閉することができる。潮間帯や潮下帯に多く生息している。ノルウェーで は、ムラサキイガイは海岸一帯に生息しています。その他の地域では、南はスペイン北部から北は白波ま で生息しています。ムラサキイガイは水深10mから20mに生息しています。ヒゲのような糸で石や岩、 ロープなどの固いものに付着する。ヒゲは足元にあるヒゲ腺とは別物である。

ムラサキイガイは雌雄同体で、通常4月から6月に産卵しますが、これはノルウェーのどこにいるかに よって異なります。幼生は数日から1ヶ月の間、水柱の中を自由に泳ぎ、その後固い表面に付着します。

ムラサキイガイは繁殖能力が高く、大量に発生することがある。ムラサキイガイは、温度、塩分、乾燥 などの極端な環境条件に対して高い耐性を持っており、そのため適応性が高い。ムラサキイガイは20年以 上前のものであることもある。

ノルウェーでは、海岸沿いの特定のフィヨルドで、吊り下げ式養殖システムでムラサキイガイを養殖し ている。吊り下げ式養殖システムにはさまざまな形態があり、それぞれの設備はその地域の環境に適合し ている。ブイを並べ、そこにロープを水平に張り巡らせたものを設置する。ブイからロープやバンドを垂 らし、そこにムラサキイガイを付着させる。

Blue mussels are, as the name indicates, blue. The shells change from blue to dark brown on the exterior, while the interior of the shell is light blue. Blue mussels have two shells which can open and close with the aid of adductor muscles. Mussels often occur in or below the intertidal zone. In Norway, blue mussels are common along the entire coast. Elsewhere they are common from Northern Spain in the south to the White Sea in the north. Blue mussels are found at depths from Oto 10m. They attach themselves to firm surfaces (stones, rocks, ropes) with the aid of byssus threads, also known as beards. Byssus threads differ from the byssus gland, which is located at the foot of the blue mussel.

Blue mussels are unisexual and usually spawn in April-June, but this depends on where they are located in Norway. The larvae swim freely in the water column for a few days up to a month before they attach themselves to firm surfaces.

Blue mussels have a large reproductive capacity, and they can occur in large concentra tions. Blue mussels have a high tolerance for extreme environmental conditions such as temperature, salinity and drying out, and this makes them very adaptable. Blue mussels can be 20years old or more.

In Norway, blue mussels are cultivated on hanging culture systems in selected fjords along the coast. There are many different forms of hanging culture systems, and each installation is adapted to the local surroundings. An installation consists of a line of buoys in which horizontal systems of ropes are held up by buoys. Ropes or bands hang from the buoys which the mussels attach themselves to.

Brown crab – Cancer pagurus

ヨーロッパイチョウガニは背中に赤茶色の甲羅があり、5本の歩行脚のうち1対が爪になる。雌雄を区別 するためには、車の下側を調べる必要がある。メスはオスに比べて尾ひれが広く、尾脚は4対ある。カニは 成長するために脱皮をする。性成熟したカニは秋に脱皮するが、気温が高いと成長が早く、性成熟が早く なる。

海水域に生息し、汽水域には生息しない。硬い底を最も好むが、貝殻や粘土質の底に移動することもあ る。若いカニは浅いところに住み、年取ったカニはより深いところに住む。ヨーロッパイチョウガニは最 長で20歳まで生きることができる。ノルウェーではトロムス以南の沿岸でよく見られる。黒海、地中海、 北アフリカでも見られる。

ヨーロッパイチョウガニは夜行性で、捕食者と清掃者の両方の役割を果たす。爪や口の部分、胃袋を 使って食べ物を分けて食べる。雑食性で、いつでもどこでも手に入るものは何でも食べる。冷血動物であ るため、長期間にわたって餌を食べないこともある。

交尾は脱皮後すぐに行われ、雌は卵を受精させるまで1年以上精子の世話をする。卵は「しっぽ」の下に 付着し、8ヵ月後に孵化する。幼生は約2カ月間、水中を自由に動き回り、7回の脱皮を繰り返す。2.5mmほ どの大きさになると、ボットタムに定着する。4〜5歳で性的に成熟する。

The brown crab has a red-brown shell on the back and five walking legs in which one pair constitutes the claws. In order to distinguish between the sexes, the underside of the car must be examined. The females have a broader tail flap than the males and have four pairs of tail feet. The crab moults in order to grow. Sexually mature crabs moult in autumn, and at higher temperatures they grow more quickly and become sexually mature faster.

The crab lives in saltwater and not in areas with brackish water. It likes hard bottoms best but may migrate out onto shellsand and clay bottoms. The crab is found from the surface and down to 400 m but is most common in areas shallower than 40 m. The young crabs live in shallow areas, while the older ones live at greater depths. The brown crab can be up to 20 years old. In Norway the crab is common from Troms and south along the coast. Also found in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and North Africa.

Brown crabs are nocturnal and act as both predators and scavengers. They use their claws, mouth parts and stomach to divide up their food. The crabs are omnivorous and help themselves to whatever is available at any time where they happen to be. As cold-blooded animals, the crabs can go for long periods without food.

Mating occurs right after the crabs moult, and the females take care of the sperm for more than a year before they fertilise the eggs. The eggs are attached under the “tail” and hatch after eight months. T he crab larvae move freely in the water column for about two months and moult seven times. When they become 2.5 mm in size, they settle on the bot tom. T he crabs become sexually mature when they are 4-5 years old.

European lobster – Homarus Gammarus

ヨーロッパロブスターには5対の脚があり、そのうちの1対が爪を構成している。片方の爪は大きく、貝を 砕くのに使われ、もう片方の爪は武器として使われる。色は紺色だが、生息地によって異なることがある。 ノルウェー海域では、スウェーデンとの国境からトロンデラーグにかけて多く生息していますが、ヌールラ ンでは散発的にしか見られません。水深5〜50m、主に硬い海底に生息しています。硬い海底では、石の山、 割れ目、大きな石の下の穴などを隠れ家とする。柔らかい底にいる場合は、底に穴を掘って身を隠す。 10〜20℃ の温度を好む。メスは70歳まで、オスは40歳まで成長する。

日中は身を潜め、夜になると活発に獲物を探す。ロブスターは甲殻類、カタツムリ、多毛類、二枚貝などを 食べる。産卵は夏、脱皮するときに行われる。卵は胴体後部の遊泳突起に付着し、1年後にふ化する。孵化 後、幼生は水柱の中で自由に生活し、この間に3回脱皮をする。全長3〜4mmになると遊泳行動を変え、 底に沈む。

ノルウェーでもロブスターの養殖が行われており、成功を収めている。また、ロブスターの資源を増やすた めに、出漁や海面放牧も行われている。ロブスターの放牧には免許が必要で、一定の区域で再捕獲する権利 が与えられます。また、海面牧畜は地域的・想定的な措置として行われている。

The lobster has five pairs of legs, and one of them constitute the claws. One claw is larger than the other and is used to crush shellfish, while the smaller claw is used as a weapon. The lobster is dark blue in colour, but the colour can vary and depends on the place it lives. The lobster’s natural range is from the Mediterranean Sea to the Arctic Circle. In Norwegian waters, lobsters are abundant from the Swedish border to Trøndelag , but they are found sporadically in Nordland. The lobster lives at a depths of 5 to 50 m and mainly on hard bottoms. It finds hiding places on hard bottoms in mounds of stones, clefts or holes under large stones. If it finds itself on a soft bottom, it digs holes in the bottom to conceal itself. It prefers temperatures of 10-20°C. The females can be up to 70 years old, while the males can be as old as 40.

During the day the lobster lies concealed, and at night it actively hunts for prey. The lobster feeds on crustaceans, snails, polychaetes and bivalves. Spawning occurs in the summer when the lobster moults. The eggs attach to the swimmerets under the hind part of the body, and after one year the eggs hatch. After hatching, the lobster larvae live freely in the water column, and during this period they moult three times. When it has reached a total length of approximately 3-4 mm. it will change its swimming behavior and sink down to the bottom.

Lobsters are also farmed in Norway, and this hos been successful. In addition. setting out and sea ranching of lobsters are done to increase the stock. Sea ranching with lobsters requires a licence, and a right to recapture is granted for a specified area. Sea ranching is also done as a regional and notional measure.

European plaice – Pleuronectes platessa

プレイスは、灰色または茶色で光沢のある目側に多くの赤い斑点があることで知られているが、よく似た ヨーロッパヌマガレイと混同してはならない。下面は白色である。水深7〜200mを好み、海底にいる貝類、 二枚貝、クラゲ、甲殻類、棘皮動物、小魚などを捕食する。ヒラメの仲間によく見られるように、雌は雄よ りも成長が早く、大きくなる。性成熟は通常2〜3歳だが、雌は雄より遅く性成熟する。最大で50歳まで 成長する。

北はバレンツ海から南は地中海、アフリカ沿岸まで東大西洋に分布する。この種はいくつかの系統に分か れており、最大の系統は北海に分布している。プレイスは縄張り意識が強い種とされるが、産卵期が近づく と特定の産卵場所に長距離を移動する。北海の中部と南部で11月から5月に産卵する。

底で産卵し、卵は水面に浮き上がる。卵が孵化すると、仔魚は通常の魚の形をしている。左目が少しずつ 右側に移動し、ヒラメのような形になっていく。2ヶ月ほどすると、浅い場所の砂底に降りてくるようにな る。やがて大きくなると、より深い場所に降りてくる。

The European plaice is known by the grey or brown, shiny eye side with many red spots – but it must not be confused with the European flounder, which is very similar at times. On the underside the European plaice is white. The fish prefers depths between 7 and 200 m. The European plaice feeds on chaetopods, bivalves, jellyfish, crustaceans, echinoderms and small fish that it finds on the bottom. As is common among flatfish, the female grows much faster and becomes much larger than the male. Sexual maturity usually occurs at the age 2 or 3, but the female becomes sexually mature later than the male. The European plaice can be up to 50 years old.

The European plaice is distributed in the eastern Atlantic Ocean from the Barents Sea in the north and southwards to the Mediterranean Sea and the coast of Africa. The species is divided into several stocks, and the largest stock is found in the North Sea. The European plaice is considered a territorial species, but when the spawning period is approaching, it migrates long distances to certain spawning areas. It spawns in November-May in the central and southern portion of the North Sea.

The European plaice spawns on the bottom, and the eggs float up to the surface. When the eggs hatch, the larvae have the usual fish shape. Little by little the left eye migrates over to the right side, and the fry more and more acquires the shape of a flatfish. After about two months, it will find its way down to the sand bottom in shallow areas. When i t eventually becomes larger, it finds its way down to deeper areas.

Tusk – Brosme brosme

タスクはタラ科の魚類である。伸びた体型、あごの下にバーベルがあること、背びれが1本で連続してい ること、背中が灰色・茶色っぽいこと、下側が灰白色なことで見分けることができる。ヒレは茶色で先端は 白色である。タスクは底生動物で、大陸棚や100〜1000mの斜面の岩場を好むが、深いフィヨルドの水深 200〜500mから最もよく見られる。成魚は深い場所に生息し、幼魚はかなり浅い場所に生息している。タ スキは魚のほか、ザリガニ、スクワットロブスター、エビなどを捕食する。大きさは1.1m、15kgで、20歳 以上まで生きられると思われる。

タスクが性的に成熟するのは比較的遅く、8〜10歳である。産卵期は4〜6月で、産卵場所はノルウェー 南部と中部沿岸、アイスランドとフェロー諸島の南・南西部である。

Tusk is a fish species in the cod family. It is recognisable by its extended body shape, the barbel under the chin, one continuous dorsal fin, a greyish/brownish back and a greyish white underside. The fins are brown and white on the tip. The tusk is a bottom-dwelling species which prefers rocky bottoms on the continental shelf and the slope from 100 to 1000 m, but it is most common from depths of 200-500 m in deep fjords. The adults live in deep areas, while the young fish live in quite shallow areas. Tusk feed on fish, but also on crayfish, squat lobsters and prawns. They can be up to 1.1m and 15 kg and can probably live to be more than 20 years old.

The tusk becomes sexually mature relatively late, at the age of 8-10. It spawns in the period April-June,and the spawning areas are off the coast of Southern and Central Norway and south and south-west of Iceland and the Faroe Islands.

※テキストデータはNorwegian Seafood Council発行の【Facts about fish 2018】より引用
※Text data taken from 【Facts about fish 2018】published by Norwegian Seafood Council.